Murray City – 4800 South
Murray, Utah Murray is ideally situated along the I-15/I-215 transportation corridors in the center of the Salt Lake Valley. Murray has the only transit station outside of Salt Lake City with combined Front Runner (commuter rail) and TRAX (light rail) services. Murray Central Station, located a quick 10-minute walk from the site, provides convenient access to Salt Lake City’s downtown business district, the Silicon Slopes area in Utah County and the Salt Lake City International Airport. The Salt Lake City International Airport
is a short 15-minute drive from the Site.
The design objectives for 4800 South include a mix of uses, involving commercial areas, retail spaces, residential units, open space opportunities, structured parking and significant massing of the project Site. The uses integrate effortlessly and allow for the creation of a strong sense of community.
4800 South is located at the intersection of 48th Street and State Street, in the heart of downtown Murray. 4800 South promotes a mix of uses which are sustainable, efficient, convenient, and come together to create a cohesive neighborhood rich with commercial, restaurant, civic, cultural, and residential spaces to promote street life and activity. 4800 South includes a pedestrian oriented design with strong connections to transit and a walkable design that supports a safe, interesting, and purposeful walk.
299,672 SF
Edlen & Co., Dechase Miksis Development
Targeted LEED Gold